Universität Wien
Institut für Astrophysik
The University of Vienna, founded in 1365, is one of the largest universities in Central Europe, being host to approximately 85,000 students and 8600 staff members. The Department of Astronomy is by far the largest astronomy research unit in Austria, with about 370 registered students and about 70 scientific members. The Department is presently undergoing a major expansion and reorientation of its research areas. Three new full professors have been hired in 2010, and two are now working in star formation from molecular clouds to the final stars (Profs. Güdel and Alves), complementing various existing strong groups, among them the dynamics of planetary systems (Prof. Dvorak).
The group of Prof. M. Güdel is building up its expertise in circumstellar environments such as protoplanetary discs and outflows, but also young planetary environments and atmospheres. M. Güdel brings very deep expertise in high-energy astrophysics and plasma astrophysics from observational to theoretical aspects, having specialised in the area of X-ray emission of young and forming stars and its interaction with circumstellar material. As a Co-I of the Xmm Newton reflection grating spectrometer, he has used this observatory and NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory intensively for now more than a decade, investing in numerous dedicated programs as well as leading large survey projects (e.g., the Xest survey of the Taurus region). He has also acquired a strong background in radio astronomy, including knowledge in relevant radiation mechanisms.

Prof. Manuel Güdel (Teamleader)
Leader WP3,
expert in high-energy physics and Xray-observations
More information
contact: manuel.guedel(at)univie.ac.at

Dr. Odysseas Dionatos
FP7 post-doc, Leader WP1,
leading the efforts on the assembly of a homogeneous dataset,
keen interest on modeling of observational data
More information
contact: odysseas.dionatos(at)univie.ac.at

Christian Rab
associated PhD-student,
expert on X-ray radiative transfer
More information
contact: christian.rab(at)univie.ac.at

Armin Liebhart
associated PhD-student,
expert on X-ray observations and analysis
contact: armin.liebhart(at)univie.ac.at