Data, results & downloads

This page will give you access to our project results. You will be able to download our observational data collection, and detailed outputs from our fitted disc models (like the density and temperature structures for the individual targets).

These project results will become available at the end of the project.

However, we offer here a preview in form of an “example disc model“, where you can download the results (both the raw output data and the visualised results) of a “typical” T Tauri model. Please contact any team members if you have any questions, comments, or would like to collaborate.

You can also download a small stand-alone Fortran-90 package to compute the DIANA standard dust opacities which take into account a number of robust laboratory facts and observational results, guided by a study of multi-wavelength optical properties of dust aggregates particles (Min et al. 2015, in prep.).

Furthermore, we offer a graphical idl tool to analyse two of our model grids, where you can search for trends and correlations between our model parameters and the predicted continuum and line observations.