University of St Andrews
School of Physics & Astronomy
St Andrews hosts Scotland’s first university and the third oldest in the English-speaking world, it was founded in 1413. The astronomy group embraces star and planet formation (Bonnell, Greaves, Wood), planet detection (Cameron, Dominik, Horn), magnetic fields and stellar activity (Jardine), and astrobiology (Greaves, Helling). The astrophysics group has nine permanent faculty in all, of whom seven work on discs and closely related areas such as star formation and planet detection, covering a broad range of theory and observation. There are also nine research fellows and post-doctoral assistants working in these areas, plus a similar number of students researching for a PhD in these topics.

Dr. Peter Woitke (PI, Teamleader)
Leader WP2, WP7, WP8 & WP9,
developer of ProDiMo,
expert in modelling low-energy astrophysical objects
More information
contact: Peter Woitke

Dr. Jane Greaves
associated member, Leader WP1,
experienced observer in millimetre and radio wavelengths
contact: Jane Greaves

Dr. John Ilee
FP7 post-doc,
expert in disc modelling
More information
contact: John Ilee

Laura Rigon
FP7 PhD-student
contact: Laura Rigon