Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble
Institut de Planetologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble
The activities of the project will be carried out by the Institut de Planetologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG). IPAG is a joint research unit between the Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Prof. Francois Ménard is a staff member of IPAG. IPAG hosts 50 scientific staff members, 30 engineers and technicians and 25 doctoral and post-doctoral students. Star and planet formation studies are recognised as the main scientific centre of interest at the IPAG institute (more than 50% of the staff scientists are concerned by this activity) with strong ties with the 3 other research activities: plasma and high-energy astrophysics, molecular astrophysics and instrumental developments centred on high angular resolution techniques (in particular near-infrared interferometry and adaptive optics). The IPAG team includes experts in both continuum and line radiation transfer as well as high angular resolution observational studies of discs around young stars.

Prof. Francois Ménard (Teamleader)
Leader WP4,
expert on IR imaging and interferometry
contact: Francois Ménard

Fabien Anthonioz
FP7 PhD-student,
contact: Fabien Anthonioz

Dr. Wing-Fai Thi
associated member,
expert on gas physics and chemistry
contact: Wing-Fai Thi

Dr. Andrés Carmona Gonzales
associated member,
expert in IR line observations and modelling
contact: Andrés Carmona

Dr. Christoph Pinte
associated member,
developer of MCFOST, modeling expert
contact: Christophe Pinte