Summer School on Protoplanetary Disks 2014
Ameland, 16 – 20 June 2014

The Summer School “Protoplanetary Disks: Theory and Modeling meet Observations” was held from 16th to the 20th of June 2014 at the Hotel “Amelander Kaap” on the Island of Ameland, The Netherlands. The school was attended by 45 PhD students and postdocs from 19 countries around the world. Participants introduced themselves with a 1-slide presentation on Monday and presented a poster on their own work. Ten lecturers from the DIANA team explained the basic theory ranging from the formation and evolution of disks, chemistry in disks to a diversity of observational data such as SEDs, images, line emission and interferometry. Several lectures focussed on disk modeling (radiative transfer, statistical equilibrium, physical and chemical structure) and its application to observations including limitations, pitfalls and outlook to new instrumentation such as VLT/SPHERE and ALMA.
The group pictures

Some selected student reactions:
- “It was informative and interesting lectures, friendly and caring organizers, far and beautiful place that gave an inspiration for future investigations. “
- “Great overview of the main topics on the subject, given by reference researchers in the field.”
- “The summer school was a great way to meet people working on all aspects of protoplanetary disk evolution and gave a brilliant overview of the area.”
- “The summer school is a great tool for every astronomer trying to understand this field, whether you are new or a veteran. (I think)”
- “To understand protoplanetary disks seems complex, but I am not alone.”
The summer school is organized by the DIANA FP7 project team.